Taylor, Will
Summary: "Jeremy is not excited about the prospect of spending the summer with his dad and uncle in a seaside cabin in Oregon. It's the first summer after his parents' divorce, and he hasn't exactly been seeking alone time with his dad. He doesn't have a choice though, so he goes. On his first day, he takes a walk on the beach and finds himself intrigued by a boy his age running by. Just like that, his...
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Scholastic Press 2022
Copies Available at Kalkaska Main Branch
1 available in Juvenile Collection, Call number: J FICTION TAYLOREliopulos, Andrew
Summary: "Will loves playing center midfield on his middle school soccer team. This year, though, Will hasn't felt like himself: his stomach has been bothering him, and he has no energy at all. When his new doctor diagnoses him with Crohn's disease, Will hopes that means he'll start feeling better soon and he can get back to playing with his team before the season ends. But Will's new medicines come...
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Quill Tree Books, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers 2023
Copies Available at Kalkaska Main Branch
1 available in Young Adult Collection, Call number: Y FICTION ELIOPULOSRiordan, Rick
Summary: Nico, the son of Hades, and his boyfriend Will, the son of Apollo, travel to Tartarus, the deepest, darkest part of the Underworld as they attempt to rescue an old friend.
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Disney-Hyperion 2023
Copies Available at Kalkaska Main Branch
1 available in Juvenile Collection, Call number: J FICTION RIORDANStamper, Phil
Summary: After a summer of life changing, Gabriel, Reese, Sal, and Heath are finally ready for senior year, but as graduation nears and the boys prepare to enter the real world, it is clear their friendship will never be the same.
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Bloomsbury Children's Books 2023